
How to order

Most of my work is done by custom order. As per common practice I have a modest waiting list. Waiting lists are great things. They give a client time to think about instrument needs, discuss and develop these with the luthier, deal with financial planning and the time the instrument is needed by and so on. They also give a luthier time to source specific materials, plan work productively, grouping instruments etc. Please be in touch through my contact page if you want to place yourself on my waiting list. A modest fee (applicable to the price of the instrument) will hold your place in the building line. I will be happy to give all the additional info needed regarding this process, as well as quotes based on your personal lute desires.

Sellas Rose

Sellas Rose

Baroque guitar, (tiered parchment rose by Elena dal Cortivo)

Baroque guitar, (tiered parchment rose by Elena dal Cortivo)

Perhaps my work was already recommended to you through a mutual contact and that is why you are here. If you are a new visitor and would like to have a few recommendations from former clients or people I present to: I am confident I can get you these.

Occasionally I get approached by customers wanting to sell a lute passed down to them, or no longer in use. It is always worthwhile to check what kind of resales come around my shop. I can also be of service if a resale needs checking over or an appraisal is needed for insurance purposes.